Level 3: Edema – MHROS: Expert Panel DDX

How does your differential compare with the experts?

What physical exam maneuvers would you like to perform?

Experts’ DDX:

  1. Renal
    1. Hypertension
    2. Renal failure
  2. Cardiovascular
    1. Hypertension – related to renal disease as well
    2. Heart failure
  3. GI system
    1. Liver disease – due to alcoholism – not likely
    2. Non-alcoholic liver disease – less likely
  4. CNS
  5. Psychiatric
  6. Hematological
    1. Anemia
    2. Iron deficiency
  7. Endocrine
    1. Electrolyte disturbances
    2. Diabetes – unlikely
  8. Pulmonary
    1. Pulmonary embolism – much less likely
    2. Deep vein thrombosis – much less likely
  9. Sleep disorders
  10. Nutritional deficiency
  11. Drug reaction