Level 1: Chest Pain – Initial History: Expert Panel DDX

How does your differential compare with the experts?

What related symptoms and risk factors would help you refine your differential diagnosis?

Experts’ DDX:

  1. MI (myocardial infarction)/acute coronary syndrome
  2. Cardiac tamponade
  3. Esophageal spasm
  4. Reflux  (GERD)
  5. Pericarditis
  6. Chest wall pain/costochondritis
  7. Cocaine induced vasospasm
  8. Herpes zoster
  9. Mediastinitis
  10. Anxiety
  11. Pneumonia
  12. Pleurisy
  13. Rib fracture
  14. PE (pulmonary embolism)
  15. Pneumothorax
  16. Aortic dissection
  17. Esophageal rupture