Level 1: Chest Pain – Review of Systems: Expert Panel DDX

How does your differential compare with the experts?

What physical exam maneuvers would you like to perform?

Experts’ DDX:

  1. MI (myocardial infarction)/acute coronary syndrome
  2. Chest wall pain/ costochondritis
  3. Anxiety
  4. Pleurisy
  5. PE (pulmonary embolism)
  6. Esophageal spasm
  7. Pneumothorax
  8. Aortic dissection
  9. Esophageal rupture
  10. Rib fracture
  11. Mediastinitis
  12. Herpes zoster
  13. Pneumonia
  14. Cardiac tamponade
  15. Pericarditis
  16. Reflux (GERD)
  17. Lung mass